Immediate Threat: Icelandic Volcano Eruption Imminent  

By Brooke Bradley

 Iceland is known for its majestic scenery and rich Scandinavian history. However, it is also known for its volcanos. They have less than 400,000 people and approximately 130 volcanoes with 33 of them being active. So why does this pertain to current news? Presently, there’s a volcano about 2 miles north-northeast of a small town called Grindavík that is going to erupt at any moment. This town has been evacuated; however, many homes will be destroyed. Why is this happening? 

     According to  and Iceland is made up of two major tectonic plates and one microplate. When an oceanic plate or a continental plate goes underneath the corresponding plate, it creates a volcano. Pressure builds up and the said volcano erupts. We know it's going to erupt when we see activity like earthquakes. has also reported the earthquakes that are a direct result of that volcano about to erupt causing even more damage “More than 20,000 quakes have shaken the area since late October, with seismic activity "constant" since Saturday, officials said. Street work continues after cracks emerged on a road due to volcanic activity near Grindavik, Iceland, Nov. 14, 2023.”  The town has been majorly damaged and will likely need major renovations and maybe even rebuilding.  As of now, the Blue Lagoon has been temporarily closed, and the people of the town are hoping that Mother Nature gives them enough time to get their valuables and pets.  


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