
By Emily Rivas

    This is my cat, Tom-Tom. I got him when I was about 13–14 years old. For reference, I'm about 18 now. He was a rescue that we got from a distant family member to babysit for a couple of hours a day, but eventually, I got attached to him, and the original owner gave him to me. I love this cat more than anything or anyone. He goes everywhere I go, and when I'm not around, he will meow so loudly and wait by the door till I come home. He sleeps with me every night, and he even has his side of the bed. He's so spoiled that his favorite spot to lie is on my chest. Whenever I'm lying or sitting down, he will climb up my chest, and when it comes to other people, he doesn't like being around them much, especially when new people come to the house. He will run under my bed and hide, and he tends to be skittish. But if it's people he knows, he will come around and want to be petted.


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School Dress Code