Annual Powderpuff Game Of 2023

By Mya Fine

    2023’s Annual Powderpuff football game was held on September 28th, at 7:00 p.m. The powderpuff game is between the girls of each four classes. The first game was between the Freshman and the Seniors with the Freshman taking win. The second game was between the Juniors and the Sophomores and the Juniors won. The Freshman and the Juniors played next to determine the winner of this year's Powderpuff game. The game was a very close call, going over time, and the game was determined by a throw. The Juniors won by throwing the ball only half a yard farther than the Freshmen.  Shout out to the Junior coaches: Kailas Clearman, Abu Keefer, and Adrian Daugherty. 


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